How Do You Keep Houseplants Alive in the Winter of Beverly Hills?

Want to buy houseplants but don’t know how to take care of them? Well, taking care of your houseplants is harder in the winter season. Indoor plants are affected by several winter stress factors, including temperature, dry air, and the amount of light they receive. Keep your houseplants thriving by modifying their care during the cooler months of the year. Different plants have different needs. Always research before you buy plants for the house.

The following tips offer general guidelines to maintain your indoor plant's health in the colder months.

Change Your Watering Routine

While plants experience a slower growth rate in winter due to dry air, they still need less water. Therefore, overwatering them can rot their roots. Remember that different plants have different watering needs. Cacti and other succulents might not need water at all, while some tropical still require regular watering.

The best way to determine if your plant needs water is to push your finger into the soil and check if it is dry or not. If it is dry an inch or two below the surface, then it's time to water them.


Humidity Level in Winter Season

The low humidity level is the biggest concern in winter. Move your plants near the humidifier so that they can enjoy their benefits. Raise the humidity levels in other ways if you don't own a humidifier. Plants release water through their leaves when transpiring, so grouping them would put all the moisture to good use. Cluster your houseplants in places where they can absorb the most moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

If you don't want to ruin the roots of your indoor plant, try putting your plants on or near a tray of water. Don't put them directly in the water. Instead, arrange pebbles or tiny stones in the tray to raise the bottom of the pots above the water level and place the pots on top of the stones.

Pay Attention to Temperature

Most plants want 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit daytime temperature and above 50 degrees Fahrenheit night time temperature to be comfortable. To provide perfect humidity and temperature levels to your plant, keep them away from heat sources like ovens, fireplaces, radiators, and electronic devices. Fluctuation in temperature can kill houseplants just as easily as prolonged periods of heat or cold.

If you are looking for rare houseplants for sale online, you might want to check our online store.


Rotate Your Plants According to the Sun

There are only a few hours of sunlight in the winter season, and the rays also come at a lower angle. So, relocate your plants to a brighter place or add supplement light. The South or west-facing window remains sunny all day. So, keep your plants in that direction. The dust on the plant can also reduce the amount of light they receive. So, wipe the leaves with a wet cloth to remove dust.

Fertilize Your Plants According to the Season

Since most indoor plants don't grow as actively in colder months, they don't require any fertilizer. So, giving them fertilizer will only disrupt their natural cycle. Instead, it's better to stop feeding them till early spring. Then, when you see signs of new growth, resume fertilizing to give them a boost for the growing season.

Although some tropical plants grow quite actively all winter long, these may still require some feeding, though usually at reduced rates.

Wrap Up

Want to get the best houseplants in Beverly Hills? Worry not. Contact Beverly Hills Flower Gallery to receive gorgeous houseplants online chosen by the best florist in Los Angeles.

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